Dr. Catherine Larochelle MD, PhD


CHUM communications

Clinical associate professor, Department of Neurosciences
Director of the Clinician Investigator Program, Medicine Faculty
Université de Montréal
Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM)
Montreal, QC | Canada

Dr. Larochelle obtained a MD-MSc degree (neurobiology) from Université Laval before completing her Neurology residency at Université de Montréal in 2009, and her PhD degree in neuroimmunology under the supervision of Dr Alexandre Prat in 2014. She then conducted a post-doctoral fellowship at the Johannes-Gutenberg University, Germany, under the supervision of Dr Frauke Zipp. She joined the CRCHUM in 2016 as a clinician-researcher in the Neurosciences department of Université de Montréal and since 2023 is the director of the Clinician Investigator Program. Her research program focuses on understanding and targeting immune-mediated neuroglial injury for neuroprotection in Multiple Sclerosis is supported by grants from the CIHR, FRQ-S and MS Society of Canada.