Prof. Sunghee Cho
Brain and Mind Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medicine
Director, Preclinical Stroke Program Laboratory, Burke Neurological Institute
Dr. Sunghee Cho is a professor in the Brain Mind Research Institute at Weill Cornell Medicine and she directs the Preclinical Stroke Program at Burke Neurological institute, leading basic and translational research to define immune mechanisms underlying stroke pathology and repair. Dr. Cho served as an ad hoc member in NIH study sections, was a chartered member in the neural oxidative metabolism and death (NOMD) study section, and participated in the European Multi-Preclinical Animal Research Team Network Consortium as a US representative of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). She also served as a review panel member in the NIH Stroke Preclinical Assessment Network (SPAN), and a panelist and steering committee member for NIH translational stroke research and stroke recovery workshops. She is a Fellow of the American Heart/Stroke Association (FAHA) and is a Council Member on Stroke. She participated in the International Stroke Conference program as a chair of the Basic and Preclinical Neuroscience of Stroke Recovery category and co-chair of the Pre-Conference, and serves on the program committee for the upcoming Brain&Brain Pet 2022 meeting. Dr. Cho currently serves as an assistant editor for Stroke, reviewing editor for eNeuro, associate editor for Molecular Brain, and as an editorial board member for Translational Stroke Research.
Dr. Cho’s research encompasses neuro-immune interactions in stroke-induced brain injury and stroke repair mechanisms, specifically focused on the role of the immune receptor CD36 in stroke-induced inflammation and brain injury, comorbidity-modified inflammation in stroke outcomes, and stroke recovery mechanisms related to genetic influences. Her research has been continuously funded by the NIH (NINDS, NHLBI, NCRR), American Heart Association, Sanofi, and the Burke Foundation.